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Top 10 fastest man made objects

10.North American x-15

In 1967,this experimental rocket powered spacce plane reached the limits of the atmosphere,After being brought to 40,000 feet by a B-52, the manned rocket-plane detached and soared to 350,000 feet (67 miles!) and became the first winged aircraft to fly at hypersonic (greater than Mach 5) speeds. Data from its flights helped scientists design future hypersonic vehicles such as the space shuttle.

9.Nasa x-43

This experimental jet-powered aircraft can fly at almost 10 times the speed of sound. After being transported to 100,000 feet by a rocket booster, the X43 detaches and its scramjet engine is ignited. Unlike a rocket, which is powered by fuel that requires a bulky oxidizer, a scramjet obtains its thrust by mixing fuel with supersonic air. Just 10 seconds of thrust from the engine accelerates the unmanned plane to Mach 9.2, or two miles per second. NASA hopes this technology can one day make travel to low Earth orbit more affordable. shuttle columbia,16976 miles per hour

Space shuttle Columbia was the first ever successful space shuttle in the history of  space exploration. It has successfully completed 37 missions since 1981. During the missions, Space shuttle Columbia held a record speed of 17000 mph. The Space Shuttle Columbia outreached its normal speed when it crashed down on 1st February 2003.

Normally, a space shuttle travels at a speed of 17000 mph to remain in the lower Earth orbit. At that speed, the crew of space shuttle can see Sunrise and Sunset a number of times within a single day.

7.Discovery space shuttle,17600 miles per hour

Space shuttle discovery held the record of a maximum number of successful missions than any other spacecraft in the history. The spacecraft has made 30 successful flights since 1984. It also held a record speed of 17400 miles per hour.

That is, five times faster than the speed of a bullet. Sometimes spacecrafts have to travel faster than the normal speed of 17000 mph. Such conditions are depend on the orbit and altitude of spacecraft

6.Apollo 10

Fastest in Space – Manned Top Speed: 24,816 mph The astronauts of Apollo 10 did not get to land on the moon; however, they hold a distinction of their own–fastest humans. After completing a dry-run test flight around the lunar surface, the Apollo 10 command module re-entered Earth's atmosphere faster than any other manned vehicle, completing the trip in 54 hours. In comparison, Apollo 11's trans-Earth voyage took 59 hours.


Stardust was a special space probe launched by NASA in 1999. The goal of this mission is to collect samples from comet wild 2 for laboratory analysis. This 300-kilogram, robotic probe attained a maximum speed of 28856 mph during that mission. That is, 6 times faster than the speed of bullet. Stardust has also successfully completed its primary mission in 2006.

During the mission, stardust has traveled 2 billion miles to meet with the comet wild 2. The inbuilt rockets on the space probe powers it to make a swing in space to reach the comet.

4.New Horizon

New Horizons is a space probe launched by NASA in 2006. The goal of this mission is to study about planet Pluto and its Moons. This probe has successfully flew 7800 miles above the Pluto on 14th July 2015. Thus, New Horizon has became the first space probe to explore the dwart planet Pluto.

The space probe was launched on 19th January 2006. At that time, it has attained a record speed of 36373 mph, the highest launch speed than any other space probe.  The mono propellants and gravitational assistants are main components that empowers the New Horizons space probe to attained such blazing launch speed


Voyager I is the farthest traveled man-made the object to date. This space probe was launched back in 1977 with the mission of study about the outer solar system. On August 25, 2013, NASA Voyager 1 has successfully entered the interstellar space.

During the mission, the Voyager 1 space probe attained a maximum speed of 38610 mph. It has also covered a record distance of 520 million kilometers every year. Voyager 1 space probe will continue the mission until 2025.

2.Helios 1

In 1974 and 1976, NASA launched a pair of German probes called Helios I and II. When their highly-elongated orbits swung them close by the sun, they reached speeds in the neighborhood of—get this—157,000 miles per hour (70 km/s). Helios II was the speedier of the two by a hair, making it the fastest man-made object in history. For all that unimaginable speed, the Helios probes traveled at only 0.000234 times the speed of light

1.helios 2

NASA Helios 2 space probe is the fastest man-made object ever. It set a record speed of 157078 mph during the mission. Helios 2 also has made a closer approach to the Sun than its predecessor. Helios 2 has looped around the Sun at a record distance of 0.29 AU from the surface.

Helios 2 launched on January 15, 1976.  It reached the orbit of Sun on 17th April 1976. The space probe sent back data about solar plasma, solar dust, cosmic rays and the electrical field to Earth until 23rd December 1979. Both Helios 1 and 2 space probes still remain in the orbit of the Sun.

 Even though Helios II is, by far, the fastest machine ever built, it’s no longer in service. So the fastest thing in the skies right now that’s still “alive” is Voyager 1. It’s cruising at 70 times the speed of a jet liner, 24 hours a day, closer every moment to leaving the solar system forever…and setting out for the stars.

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